Exploring Gender Equality and Women's Rights in Fairfax County, VA

The Fairfax County Women's Commission (CFW) has been a powerful voice for women's rights since its inception in 1971. This Commission is part of a national network of state and local commissions for women, and works to promote gender equality, eliminate violence against women, and honor women and girls in the county. Through their efforts, the Commission has developed and expanded partnerships with organizations such as the Capital Area Food Bank, Cake4Kids, and JK Community Farm to provide more fresh produce and personalized food options to community members in need. Mattie Palmore has been an advocate for homeless housing and assistance for people with physical and mental disabilities, as well as young people and older people in Fairfax County for over 30 years. She was the director of the Good Shepherd Transition Program for Homeless and Family Services in Alexandria and was a Fairfax County magistrate.

Her passion for public health led her to work with the Institute for Public Health Innovation and the Fairfax County Health Department. Phylicia Montesinos is currently chairing the Fairfax County Women's Commission. She was raised in a family of strong women who were not afraid to lead or fight against inequality and injustice. Through her work, she connected with other LGBTQIA+ organizations in Fairfax and Prince William counties, as well as activists across the state. She is now ready to continue her public service by exploring new opportunities and looks forward to serving as a commissioner on the Fairfax County Women's Commission. Helen Jordan Tautges was recently appointed as a member of the Fairfax County Women's Commission by Springfield District Supervisor Pat Herrity.

She hopes to continue expanding the Commission's work by partnering with other organizations and deepening its impact across the county. The Fairfax County Women's Commission is an important organization that works to promote gender equality, eliminate violence against women, and honor women and girls in the county. Through their efforts, they have established connections with stakeholders from various organizations and agencies, along with Federal Reserve System partners, which are the 12 Federal Reserve banks located across the country. They have also developed partnerships with organizations such as the Capital Area Food Bank, Cake4Kids, and JK Community Farm to provide more fresh produce and personalized food options to community members in need.