Getting Involved with Women's Organizations in Fairfax County, VA: Make a Difference in Your Community

Fairfax County, VA is home to a vibrant and active community of women's organizations. The Fairfax County Women's Commission (CFW) is one such organization, established in 1971 to advise the Board of Supervisors on ways to promote full equality for women and girls in the county. The Commission works on policies and initiatives to promote gender equality, eliminate violence against women, and honor the women and girls of Fairfax County. It is also part of a national network of state and local commissions for women. The CFW is currently looking for a new representative of the LGBTQ community.

This individual will be responsible for identifying and addressing the needs of women in Fairfax County, as well as advising local officials on legislative and political issues related to women. They will also advocate for programs that adequately address their needs. Recently, the CFW was joined by leaders from other local organizations such as the Alexandria Women's Commission, the Arlington Commission on the Status of Women, the District of Columbia Women's Commission, and the Loudoun Women's and Girls Coalition. Together they presented a proclamation to Leslie Pfeifer, owner of The Quilt Patch, praising her for her long career as a member of the Fairfax business community and expressing gratitude for her dedication to supporting women and their families. Taylor is one such individual who has recently been named a member of the Commission. They are particularly eager to support and be a resource for young women in the community during their tenure.

Simmy is also very excited about the opportunity to effect change and to advocate on behalf of women in Fairfax City. If you are interested in getting involved with a women's organization in Fairfax County, VA, there are many ways to do so. You can join an existing organization or start your own. You can volunteer your time or donate money to support their cause. You can also attend events hosted by these organizations or participate in online discussions about issues related to gender equality. No matter how you choose to get involved, you can make a difference in your community by supporting women's organizations in Fairfax County, VA.